miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013


Hacía tiempo que no me veía rodeada de tanta gente de mi edad, allí lo confirme, realmente me pone de mal humor una situación así. Posiblemente nunca me llegue a entender con la mayoría de los adolescentes.
Llego al lugar y saludo con un 'Buenos días', fui educada así pero se ve que el resto no, esta gente no te registra o te miran como si fueras unas loca. Ellos están en grupitos hablando, veo a una persona conocida y la saludo por pura cortesía, esta persona me ignora olímpicamente. No existo, está bien.
Algunas cosas de sus conversaciones llegan a mis oidos y solo puedo pensar. 'Qué tonto es eso.' No pretendo que un grupo de adolescentes discutan filosofía, pero... decían tantas pavadas que no era creíble. ¿Tal vez es normal? 
Me veo obligada a interactuar, tal vez pregunto amablemente dónde está el baño o una tontería así, ellos me miran mal como si fuera una molestia. Y yo pienso... nunca voy a ser parte de ellos, nunca pertenecí, nunca me sentía parte de un grupo. Parcialmente no quiero tampoco, por lo menos no ser parte de ese conjunto porque realmente me parecen malos e irrespetuosos, gente ruda de la cual no quiero formar parte. Pero al mismo tiempo es triste, porque me siento tan sola. Pero por ahora prefiero la soledad a renunciar a mi forma de ser,  es lo único que tengo, es lo único realmente mío y voy a aferrarme a eso.

Long time I didn't find myself surrounded by so people of my age, there I confirmed that this situation really puts me in a bad mood. I may never get to understand most teenagers.
I get to the place I had to go and greeted them with a 'Good morning', I was educated that way but appearently they were not. These people didn't respond, they just look at me like if I were crazy or something . They were in small groups talking, I see an acquaintance and greeted her, out of politeness but this girl ignored, she didn't care. I don't exist, it's fine.
Some details of their talks came to my ears and I could only think 'How silly is that.' I don't pretend that a group of teenagers discuss philosophy, but... They said many stupid things it was unbelievable. Maybe that's normal?
I was forced to interact, I kindly ask where the bathroom was , they look at me like as if I were a nuisance. And all I could think was... I'll never be part of them, I don't belonged there, I never felt part of a group. Mainly I don't want that either, at least not to be part of that group because they're really mean and disrespectful disrespectful, rude people which I don't want to have anything to do with. But it is sad too, because I feel so lonely. But for now I prefer solitude to give up my way of being, that's all that I have, the only thing that's really mine and I'm going to hold on to that.

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